Monday, May 23, 2005

Episode III Debate

So my friend Rich and I have been in this engaging debate concerning Mace Windu and his direction in Episode III. It's sort of a spoiler, but not really, since we kind of know what will happen by the original trilogy.

We debate about a point concerning the attempted arrest of Chancellor Palpatine. We were debating whether Mace's actions implied his possible turn to the Dark Side. My argument is that with Mace's continuing mistrust of Anakin, the Chancellor, and the Senate, that Mace been successful, he would have continued his push to "correct" the Senate, and therefore would have succumbed to the Dark Side, possibly becoming Anakin's new Master. Rich respectfully disagrees, and believes that had Mace been successful and killed the Chancellor, he would have returned to the Jedi Council and restored peace.

But what do my faithful readers think? Would Mace Windu have turned to the Dark Side if he had been successful in killing the Chancellor?


Blogger Gura said...

then there would be an alternate universe in which episodes 4,5,6 would not exist.

it's difficult to tell from the little dialogue Mace Windu had to know what he would have done. Sure he was angry, but what would have justified him killing the Chancellor? I think if Mace killed the Chancellor, Anakin would have killed Mace, simply because Mace literally killed what he believed was his chance to save Padme.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Tatang REtong said...

It is interesting to note that Windu says that once Palpatine is taken out that the Jedis would have to take control of the Senate. What the hell? THere are senators. The senate could just elect another chancellor.

9:00 PM  

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