Thursday, July 22, 2004

Two Weeks in Review: Part III

The Big Move

So hopefully by the end of the week, this exhausting era of limbo and finding a place to permanently call home will be over. It was a crazy two weeks that turned into a crazy two months, and I'm ready to move on with my life. It would probably be too much to get into the emotional roller coaster, so I'll bullet point the significant events:

1. Company that owns the complex for my old place pushes up the rent by $50 a month. Combined with three roommates moving out, and not feeling I'm getting what I'm paying for anymore, I decide I want out.

2. Started with two roommates, but one bails just before we find a 3 bedroom place @ $1300 a month. Since the person who bailed worked, we would not have needed a co-signer, so instead we find another 3rd roommate,
and my father co-signs. But due to bad communication, an application never gets to my father, and $100 gets blown to credit checks that would've been good had they actually done a credit check w/my dad. I'd like to get my money back, but at this point it's not worth the hassle. (On a side note, it's probably a plus we didn't get the place. The commute would have been about 20 minutes without traffic, which means an hour with it).

3. Third roommate concludes that he wants to commute, and is released. Enter third roommate #3.

4. Countless searches later through Westside rentals and on foot, I finally find a decent place at a reasonable price.

And as of right now, everything but my roommate's credit check is in. I swear, if we don't get this place...

And so ends my "Two Weeks in Review" series, and hopefully I can move on to what you've all been waiting for, the rest of my life.


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